March 12th, 2015 - Port Douglas - Day 208
Peter's POV
My dad's forecast
Today was our first day in our house in Port Douglas. I woke up a little bit early due to heavy rain keeping me awake. We worked for a while and after breakfast Lea and I decided to go skim boarding. When we got to the beach the wind was blowing and it was high tide. We were at the beach for about 15 minutes before we decided to head in. After getting back to the house we decided that we still wanted to get wet so we hopped in the pool. Because of the rain and wind last night the pool was dirty so we decided to clean it. The only problem was that we couldn't find a tool to clean it with. We grabbed a couple shovels and googles and discovered that if you pushed at the water with the shovel then you could get the leaves to move to one side of the pool. After about an hour of swimming around the pool pushing leaves with shovels we had a pretty clean pool. We decided that we had our fare share of the pool and hopped out.
My parents went on a run while we worked. After lunch we decided to relax for a little bit. After waking up I decided to go try to skimboard again. When I was walking to the beach I was happy, it wasn't raining and the wind didn't seem to be bad. When I got out to the beach I found that the wind was very bad, I ended up only being able to run one direction because every time I would drop the board it would fly up and behind me. I skim boarded for about a half an hour then decided that I would head in only to find my dad walking out to the beach to skim board with me. I turned around and we stayed on the beach skim boarding for about another 45 minutes. At one point I turned around after a run and looked back to see my dad and found him spitting blood out of his mouth. It turn out he had turned around with his skim board chest high right as the wind gusted and the board smacked him right in the mouth. He said he was fine and we kept boarding.
After we got back dried off and discovered that my computer wouldn't turn on. We still don't know what happened but my computer is working fine now but it would not start for about 3 hours.
We had a good dinner of fresh shrimp and pasta and then watched Night at The Museum 2. Even though there is a hurricane just off our coast, it was a great day.